Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Fountain Of A Thousand Hats

*insert cool icon*

My step mom just left from a nice lunch and visit, and as she left she mentioned something very interesting. "A person can't wear more than one hat."

Essentially she meant that you are what you are to most people, and it's hard to overlap "jobs", so-to-speak. Your sister should never be your boss, your mother should never be your stylist, etc... etc...

So it made me think about the hats that I wear.

Admittedly, I am a different person to each person that I know. And hopefully by now you realize that this blog is not actually about fashionable headwear.

Fortunately, Jennifer has stuck around with me for enough years to understand this and doesn't question why I am the way I am to certain people and why I am not the way I am not to others. I am a different person to each of my parents, my friends, etc...

A good example of this is my relationship with Micky. Micky brings out a different side of me - (example: The Oh Noz!) of the weeks in Baton Rouge when I first brought her around the boys I mentioned in passing to Johnson as we were giggling and making jokes about "Satan's Vagina, cream on cupcakes, etc..." I said, "Micky brings out a different side in me..." he chuckled and said, "I can tell."

I could delve further into this analogy, but I choose to remain quiet about the rest of the ins and outs about it.

To Micky I wear my Funny Musician Hat.

I assume this hat is very miniature and has hot pink glitter on it. She brings out the most crude in me, in the very best of ways. I feel like I'm possible of greatness when I'm with her.

To my Daddy I wear my World's Best Daughter hat.

This hat is something like a nice large sun hat. Innocent and shielding. I hide my dad from the bad, evil, sexual, dangerous parts of my life. Also, the majority of my cursing.

To my Mother I wear my over-achiever hat.

With this hat I never reveal my failures; I am always successful and artistic and I have the most creative ideas.

To Jennifer I wear my Jack-Of-All-Trades hat:

She's always wanting me to be better, to be the best of myself that I can be... I can never see the things in myself that she sees and I will never. I wear this hat to try and fulfill her *image* of me and to project it into the universe...

The hat I wear for myself:

Wanting to shy away from the constant and pressing attention, but in the end - there really is not escape.

This seemed a bit thought provoking to me for several reasons... I thought of the boys for a split second... I wear a different hat for each of them, as well...

I feel in some instances I can wear the hat of friendship, but not the hat of a photographer... I can wear the hat of a photographer, but not that of a fan... I can wear the hat of a fan, but not that of a follower... I can wear the hat of a follower, but not that of being loyal...

With all these hats that I have now accumulated, it's time I met my Mr. Smeds.

Which hats do you wear and what are your favorite? What's the most tiring?

1 comment:

Gemma said...

I like this post... however, i do believe that in certain circumstance's that, a mother in paticular, has to wear many hat's. Although yes it's nessersary because everything is a mother's job. SO for me i take on the roll of Mother, Father, Cook, Cleaner, and everything else inbetween.

Which hat's would i wear? Id like to go naked and say i wouldn't. I'd love to be able to stand tall and scream look at me, but confidence is non existent, So if i had to pick a hat, i'd wear a Cowboy. For me it represent's up's and down's, and often the bumpyness of it relates to my bumoy life. It means, im ok today, but i may not be ok tomorrow. It's a bit Bipolar i think :)

As for my Jodie, I see under all those hat's, and i miss the lil lady that's under them :)
