Monday, May 23, 2011

Visible Change

I took some new photos... it had been a really long time since I had and I like to document every change. (Hence, the Pink-Hair 2.0)

Some may think it's narcissistic to take photos of ones self... however, while I do agree with that, I also think it's important to let the world see you how you see yourself... and who better to take photos of you, than you?

In the first few I took I noticed a big change in myself... almost shocked me. I've apparently lost weight, it seems. Others notice it, but I never do.

I noticed that I have laugh lines and the beginning of what will eventually be crow's feet. I'm not ashamed to point this out... I think it's kinda nice that I can see myself aging. Of course I can easily Photoshop those things out, but I don't pretend that I'm not 26.

Also, the hair looks like it's short and completely pink in these photos -- while I assure you that it's not short and/or completely pink, it made me think I might want it to be. Hmmm...

Here's the newbies. (Click to enlarge.)

Take more photos of yourself, kids.

Until I have something to say...

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