Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Rules Of Life According To Jodie Platz

1. Never be ashamed of your music collection or what you like to listen to.

2. Buy the pants that fit you TODAY. Not the ones that will or won't fit you in ten days.

3. Travel now because you can... don't make excuses.

4. Have the career you want - not the job that you need.

5. Never stop dreaming, wishing or hoping for your life to be better than it is now. Never give up on yourself that YOU can be better than you are right now.

6. Never stop learning. You're never finished and even though you're the best at what you do today, someone will be better than you tomorrow. (This applies to EVERYTHING.)

7. Open doors for strangers. Also, smile at strangers. Once in a while, pay a toll or a coffee for a stranger. It's amazing feeling to give and also to get.

8. Give your heart away. You don't need it... someday someone will give you theirs.

9. Do what makes you happy today... it could all disappear tomorrow.

10. Tell the people that you love that you love them today... they could disappear tomorrow, too.

11. Don't use people, but also, don't be afraid to ask for someone's help if they have something special to offer.

12. Listen to your music loudly. Yes, you may eventually lose your hearing, but do you want to die deaf or do you want to die wishing you listened to "Sabotage" by Beastie Boys as loud as it would go...? Exactly.

13. Never stop thinking; question everything. Learn from those around you. Let others learn from you. Speak up.

14. Be original. There's a reason people say "dare to be different"... because everyone is afraid of doing something out of line from the "normal". Go against the grain.

15. No one is normal; only the crazies will survive. The people who think "weird" are the ones who create art, run this country and make a dent in the universe. Be known.

16. Everyone must constantly prove themselves to the world. Unfortunately. Yes, this includes you.

17. Make art. You don't have to be an artist to express yourself on a canvas, through a lens or on a guitar.

18. Jealousy will not get you anywhere. We are all jealous of someone or something for some reason... but you need to learn to get past the act and be happy for people for what it is that they have that you want. Chances are they worked really hard to obtain it. Show them you are a bigger person and can applaud them for their successes and not that you're bitter.

19. You get what you give. The world works in a karma system for the majority of life and all of it's lessons... if you're bad - bad things will happen... if you're good - good things will happen. Be good to people. It's much better than the alternative.

20. Every day changes your life. What may be today will not be tomorrow. If you don't like the path that you're heading down - CHANGE it.

21. Don't eat cheap BBQ, drink cheap whiskey, wear cheap mascara or buy cheap memory cards.

22. Never let anyone tell you that you don't have the right to use the bathroom.

23. Never have a breakdown in public. Excuse yourself... people will think higher of you and less of you if you don't.

24. Be honest, but not to a fault. Sometimes people's feelings should be spared, otherwise you're just being cruel.

25. Don't force your religious views on others. Your religion should be private and something just for yourself.

26. Treat people as you would like to be treated. Also, remember that we all were born the same, we all have the same obstacles in life to overcome, we all bleed when stabbed, we all cry when we have a broken heart and we will all face death one day. No one is above any of that - so treat everyone as they are: HUMAN.

27. Never apologize for your accomplishments.

28. If your friends can't be proud of you and supportive of your life, accomplishments, goals, etc: then they are not your friends.

29. Be kind to animals... they have thoughts, feelings and souls.

30. Build walls. This will not only help you keep people out, but it can help you keep people in. Those who will scale the walls to be near you are extraordinary people. Those who constantly leap out of the walls are doing so for a reason...

31. If someone picks apart your life - there is something seriously lacking or wrong with theirs. Don't let it bother you and say a quite thought for them that you hope they find what they're searching for to make them happy.

32. Don't pick apart others lives. *See above.

33. Don't lie or exaggerate to children; they believe everything.

34. Never give away all of your secrets.

35. Take more photos. Let the world see what you see.

36. Scream and sing loudly. Also, dance how you feel without care.

37. If you ever find yourself saying "that's something I would never do", then you know the perfect reason why you should do it.

38. Believe in love and happiness, but don't believe everything that everyone says. I'm a unicorn. Did you believe it? No. Remember that... It's easy for people to tell lies. On the other hand, sometimes you just have to BELIEVE... and those things that you believe in may never make sense. I'm a unicorn.

39. Live life with no regrets. (See all above.)

40. Don't listen to anyone else's rules except your own. (See all above.)

Here's some pretty for you to look at.