Sunday, November 7, 2010

One Amazing Year

I'm about to get sentimental on you...

One year ago today was the first time I ever met Jackson.

Now, for so many of my friends (including my best friend Jennifer) today marks the first time that they ever saw 100 Monkeys live. I had already seen 100 Monkeys twice in August, however, Jackson wasn't there for those shows -- thus, November 7, 2009 was the first time that I ever met Jackson and the first time that I ever saw 100 Monkeys as a full band.

My how far I've come in a year.

I just went back into my blog from a year ago to see what all I had said about Jackson and my first full 100 Monkeys experience and I actually used the same icon that I did a year ago... without trying. :) Funny, it just seemed so appropriate for today.

I tried (and failed) to meet Jay three times before I was actually successful, which... we all know, waiting for something makes it that much sweeter in the end. November 7, 2009 was a great day. I won't say it was the best day of my life - but at that moment it ranked pretty high on the list. I still hold it amongst the memories I love. It seems so long ago, in a sense... and yet, I at times can't believe that it's only been a year.

I really don't think there's any amount of words that can sum up how much it means to me. I only have a few that really hit it on the head:

Be careful what you wish for...

November 2009, Nashville

January 2010, Tulsa

March 2010, Des Moines

March 2010, STL

April 2010, Nashville

June 2010, Seattle

July 2010, Arizona

October 2010, Baton Rouge

Of course those aren't all the photos that I have with him -- I have to keep some things private and just for myself.

I can't and won't even begin to tell you how far I've/we've come in the last year. I suppose it is unfortunate that a year ago I could say and spill anything I wanted and it didn't matter because no one cared to listen and now, now I keep everything to myself... for many different reasons... but yeah. I don't mind though - it makes all of those moments and memories a hundred times more special. 

I will say this, however; I do not take one moment with him (or any of those boys, for that matter) for granted. I appreciate it and them more than I am sure they even know and more than you all could ever comprehend. 

I can't believe it's only been a year... another one of these "year" blogs will be coming at the end of the southern tour... so be prepared for that. It's already being written in my head. 

Thanks to the four of you who read this. :)


M. B. Feeney said...

Fabulous story Jodi!

kimcatus said...

Five now!!! :) Great blog and what an amazing year for you.... :D

Unknown said...

What a great year :)

olivia said...

i love reading your blogs :) keep writing! there are people reading :)

Cassie said...

Aww...that's a great story. I am a lurker on you blog occasionally, so you have more than 4 people!! ;)

Anonymous said...

Girl, face it! You're silly, pretty, lucky, a friend...oh, a bunch of stuff!!! Forgotten birthdays? Oh heck, we all have them, don't we? Mine's on the second handfull. I'm ALWAYS checking for new blog posts AND reading them. I don't always comment because so many others are more eloquent than I. I miss your emails - I feel like an extra in a movie - lol. I mean you've always been too cool for school as far as I'm concerned. You're more cared about than you know - so carry that around with you, okay? <3 Lorelei