Friday, April 9, 2010

I Want To Pick Peaches Off A Cherry Tree

"Yours is the first face that I saw, I think I was blind before I met you, 
Now I don't know where I am, I don't know where I been,
But I know where I want to go, so I thought I would let you know, 
These things take forever, I especially am slow, 
But I realize that I need you and I wondered if I could come home..." 

I reckon y'all will always be able to tell when I'm blogging from my computer and when I'm blogging from my iPhone... iPhone doesn't come with pretty icons and lyrics-a-dozen. ;)

Ten days until I head to Nashville to see 100 Monkeys. You know... Nashville is a very special place where Monkeys are concerned...

(It's where I first met Jackson, if you didn't get that by the photo...)

So very much has changed since November. It's quite mind-blowing actually... the distance that myself and these boys have come...

I won't go into all the changes, of course, but I will say that I will forever live by the words, "be careful what you wish for..." that's the motto to my life and has been since August 2009.

I eventually plan on getting that tattooed on the inside of my left arm... when the time is right. Not a moment sooner.

This photo sort of makes me laugh now... I still love it and cherish it, still smile at it... not like I used to back when it was first taken (now there are other photos I have that make me smile bigger than I ever thought imaginable...) but wow... yeah.

I already have plans for my birthday, can you believe that? I'm not even 25.5 yet and I have plans to turn 26. Of course, nothing set in stone... but surprisingly, none of it revolves around presents.

I guess it makes sense to plan out my life throughout the year... it's a pretty full year. Oh and by the way... so far, 25 has been the best year of my life. ;) I guess we'll see how the next 8 months or so plan out though before we go calling it "the best year ever". Gonna end with a bang, though. I assure you of that.

Picture of the Day:

Tulsa, OK... "Wings On Fire"

j.action & j.rad.

Rock on.


Daisy Frabell said...

Love the Boy Least Likely To title! Your pictures are always fabulous.

Unknown said...

I'm impressed that you knew that! ;)

Bonnie said...

I hope your birthday is everything you're hoping it to be. Also hoping to be there to celebrate with you :)

Reminds me...I still have an email to answer. (crashed puters tend to make one forget about emails that they can't see anymore)

Gemma said...

i miss you hardcore :(

kimcatus said...

I'm sure your birthday will be amazeballs!! So glad you get to see the Monkey boys soon! Cute picture of you and Jackson! :)