Saturday, April 10, 2010

Is It Ever Gonna Be Enough?

Not sure what there is to say today, but I feel the need to blog... 

Today has been a hard day for me. Lots of hard times, some realizations about heavy matters. 

I'm drinking tonight.

You know, funny thing. I'm drinking wine out of a box and eating cheese wrapped in plastic. I feel like Britney Spears. 

Watching Twister; that's definitely the most played movie that I own, but that doesn't make it my favorite. We rented Couples Retreat. I saw it with my mama but Jenn had never... First time I saw it I cried. Strange, I'm sure, for it being a comedy... But it's true. 

I think I cried because of the bond between husband and wife... Mmm... That's all I want to say about that.

I complained on Twitter about no one really taking the time to know me, that everyone just talks about themselves... And with that, I got flooded with questions about my favorite color, my photography, 100 Monkeys... It was so sweet to see people give effort. It really touched me.

I have been listening to Metric "Gold Guns Girls" all day. It's reminded me of someone, and probably not the someone you expect... 

Third glass of wine in. Sitting with the window open watching the sunset. 

Better luck next time. 



kimcatus said...

Oh sweetie it hurts my heart that you think people don't want to know you. Maybe you intimidate people and they don't wanna intrude. *shrugs*

I happen to think you're amazing and fascinating I would love to know anything about you that you wish to tell me.

*sits at your feet and listens intently*

(I'm terrible at asking questions though...)

Love your guts!!!!!

Unknown said...

Heya Jodie! just wanted to pop in and say hey and tell you that I think anyone who doesn't wanna know you is stupid. You are an amazing person and you're full of awesome with a lot of awesome things to say. I love your photography, it helps me live monkey vicariously lol! I know we don't talk a lot but I'd love to start talking more :)

Ashley Lee <3