Thursday, April 1, 2010

Let's Try To Blog From My iPhone

This should definitely be different. I once tried to blog here from my iPod touch in an airport blog and it didnt work... I may have found a way around that...

Looks like I am smarter than I look.

I want to thank everyone who took the time to read the last two blogs about my trips to see 100 Monkeys. Also, if you checked out my photos, thank you so much. I am definitely already facing withdrawal head on.

Some may not understand this.

Some may look at my life from the outside and judge, saying, "how can Jodie even have room to complain?" (I am also aware that they say more about me than just that.)

it's actually became quite alarming the amount of realization I have had over the last 24 hours... I realized that I am gossiped about probably just as much as those beautiful primates that I adore so much... I realized that promises are just words you say to shut people up... And my friend (who I won't name, but she knows who she is...) helped me realize that I do, in fact, cherish this life that has fallen into my lap.

I have never been an ungrateful person; I have been called a lot of things in life, but never once have I been called ungrateful.

Wait, I have another realization...

A separate friend helped me to hold on, which is a realization of my strength. She has faith in me that I can, which makes me believe & hope that she isn't wrong. (She hasn't steered me wrong just yet!)

We are at about 17 days until I see the boys again... This is goig to kill me, I swear. I am trying so hard for a specific memory to hold me over until then, but my mind is infested with horrible thoughts; it rolls around in dust and filth, clouding reality and my memories.

I have a bit of a dilemma.

When I head to Nashville to see Monkeys I won't be coming back until after Dallas... (around the 25th or so...) I will actually be photographing 7 shows in a 6 day time period and while I will have my iPhone for email & updates, I am not bringing my computer along. So... Dilemma is... Upon my arrival back home in KC I should have aprox somewhere close to 3,000 photos to edit. (On the conservative side.)



But then... After lord knows how long of editing... I know there will be some VERY happy fans out there.

Let's hope this posts...



kimcatus said...

Some people are just jealous and need to STFU.I am sorry that some people are just petty and mean and can't be happy for the good fortune of others but that is THEIR problem, not yours!!

About the what you can when you can. Nobody will be upset if you can't do edit and upload in one night. Well I will be but I personally happen to think you're Superwoman!!

Much love and gigs!!!!

Lisa Knox said...

Wonderful Darlin. Always great to hear/read your thoughts. Don't let the bitches and hoes get you down! The boys love you, Jennifer loves you, Willow loves you, and I LOVE you! What more do you need from life? lol Can't wait for Memphis!!


Mouse said...

hi just wanted to let u know i read ur blog all the time. u seem like a really nice person, keep up the good work.

Amy Leigh Photography said...

It worked and another winner winner chicken dinner!