Friday, April 2, 2010

Blog 401: From iPhone

Another post from my iPhone... I suppose that this is better than not having any posts at all, however, I do miss my icon, lyics and photo of the day.

Today I am bored and thoughtful. Full of thoughts.

What I am about to talk about stems back several weeks, however for whatever reason it's really bugged me today.

Why must people tell your heart how to beat?

It's one thing for someone to tell you what to eat, what to wear, where to be and who to be friends with... (not hat I would EVER stand for any of those things...) but for someone to either tell you, "hey don't waste your time," or to flat out tell you that you don't love someone is absolutely ridiculous.

I can't help how my heart beats.

No one can.

I won't go further into my own side of this, but I will say that I would gladly stand up for anyone who was blessed enough to say that they found love. Myself? I'm not in a relationship. I'm not in love. (Per se...) But I just don't like when people tell me how to be.

Swiftly moving on...

Jenn & I bought 100 Monkeys tickets for the week we will be seeing the boys! Nashville, Birmingham, Memphis & then I had to buy my day show ticket for Legacy. :) 7 concerts in 6 days. God. I am so fucking ready for this.

16 days until Nashville.

There's the hard part.

I ache to see the boys. I miss them all so much already. :( I may try to take my mind off of some of that and go shopping for them later. I already have 5 of Jay's lighters. DUDE! Hahaa!! I can't wait.

Jennifer and I watched Where The Wild Things Are last night... It was pretty good... Carol was especially perfect. "You're the first king we haven't eaten..." it made me cry but it still wasn't as good as I thought it was going to be. We rented 2012 to watch tonight...

So... I just realized that 90% of the people who read this know nothing about me... They just know me from Monkeyness... So is there anything that you would like to know? Anything regardig travel? Photography? Or anything about me...?

I'd be more than happy to answer any questions. :)

Good to see some new commenters!!!! Thanks for reading.

Mucho love, dude.


1 comment:

kimcatus said...

Nobody can tell you how to feel. People can give advice and say oh you shouldn't feel this or you should feel that. But we only have so much control over our emotions, and when it comes down to it, that's really not much. So be true to yourself and your feelings and the people who love you will understand. Or at least accept it.... :)

Oh oh! I have a question! Do you have formal photography training or instruction? I think you mentioned your mom was a photographer....did you learn everything from her? Or go to school? *picks up pencil with fuzzy headed troll topper to take notes*