Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Apple & The Tree

" make me feel alone..."

Alright, time to play ketchup! It's been a while... I went down to my Daddy's for Christmas and then of course we had what they will call The Christmas Blizzard of 09 and I got snowed in there for a few extra days. My step mom got snowed into Topeka and Jennifer got snowed into KC, so it was just my Daddy and I for a few days. It was actually really nice. :) We watched a lot of movies together and on Wednesday night we did his weekly bar thing... after which I wrote in my notebook something that I wanted to blog about when I got back.

Let me start with that...

I was thinking about how much we are alike our parents. Sure, we have features resembling them, and of course their morals are instilled in us, but how much do we really take after them?

I look exactly like my father. (They say that babies do that so the father will bond with them.) I wonder what it's like to look at myself through my fathers eyes when I look and act so much like him.

Both of my parents are tall, so it's no surprise that I'm 5'8". My dad was adopted, so I'm unsure of his background, but I'm fairly sure of some German and Native American. My Mama is pure Swedish. My dad has very dark, thick hair that grows quickly and my mama has blonde, thin hair. My mama's eyes are crystal blue and my dad's are hazel.

I turned up with dirty blonde hair, thick, grows very quickly. (About 6" just this last year) and green eyes. (Spent half my life with blue eyes and then sometime around 14 or so they changed to green.)

The purpose of this post came after I was watching TV at my dad's and I turned it off to go to bed. I stood up and I started talking to myself. It's not something I do unless I'm totally alone, I find it quite embarrassing, but I do it; so does my dad.

My father and I are also very reclusive. The same evening he asked me to call Pizza Hut because he hates phones. Little does he know I harbor the same fear.

I have my dad's sense of humor and an eclectic mix for both of their musical tastes. I have my mama's nerves, geekness, and anxiety. I also get my "powers" from my mama... (another subject for another day.) My driving skills definitely come from my father...

I guess this list of comparisons could go on and on. Of course there are some things that I'm original at.

I was BORN with a fashion sense... I have no idea where I got that from. I don't know how I ended up disliking television... both my parents adore it. I could live without it. Although I do like movies. I have an inner compass. I don't know so much about my dad on this one, but my mama gets lost and turned around easily. I love to travel... Definitely don't know where I got that one.

Never once did we go on a family vacation. We never traveled anywhere when I was younger and then somehow I grew up and I started going places. I adore it. I need to travel to be able to breathe. I have no idea how people can just stay put and be okay. There's so much world out there - I am determined to see as much of it as possible.

This has all been more of an open thought than a complete one... it's still processing. Most people can instantly tell you how they are like one parent more than the other... I'm still on the fence I suppose.

Alright... Christmas... let's see... Daddy got me an HD 1080p flatscreen with a DVD player and an iPod dock. :) It's absolutely fabulous. Fan-freaking-tastic. I haven't been over to my Mama's to have Christmas with her yet. I also got the book The Host by Stephenie Meyer from my step mom. :D And some lil things. My step mom gave Jennifer a badass penguin poster from National Geographic!! She adores it. She also got the book "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies." It's this guy who rewrites classics and puts like zombies and vampires into them. BADASS! I can't wait to read it.

Tomorrow is New Years Eve. I definitely have faith that this one will be better than last year. (If you knew what happened last year, you would agree.) Still not as amazing as it had planned out to be -- but plans change, right? I'm sure that Jennifer and I will still have a kick ass time. Tomorrow marks ten years that we will have known each other. Insane.

Pics of the Day:
My Mama and I being cheeseballs.

A telephone booth in a bar in Wamego. :)

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