Sunday, September 18, 2011


The people that know you most in life - you may as well trust in them more than you trust in yourself.

You doubt yourself.
You hurt yourself.
You let yourself down.
You stand in your way.
You will set yourself up to fail.
You tell yourself all the things that you will never be smart enough, good enough, pretty enough to do.

The people that know you most in life would never betray you like you betray and belittle yourself.

Those people that were there for you before you got fat... before you got famous... before you earned all that money... before you lost all that money... before you got arrested... before you fixed your nose... ...those are the real people on this planet. Those are the people that will save you from the train that's coming at you full speed. Those are the people that will carry you to the bathroom and put your head in the toilet when you drank the entire bottle of Jameson. You'll beat yourself up about it the next day - they won't; they overlook it and love you regardless...

They don't even love you in spite of all of your flaws - they love you *because* of all your flaws. Without your flaws, you'd be a boring person. Without your flaws, you'd be... someone else. Someone who is not you.

These people love you. They know your soul. They look into your eyes and hear you crying when you have on your brave smiling face for the world... these are the people that matter more than your mother and your father. These are the people that don't only want to hear the good things in your life, they want to hear about all the shit you go through, as well.

These are the people that have not only changed you for the better, but they have made you the person that you are today.

Hold onto these people with both hands and never let go... these people are more precious than gold.

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