Saturday, June 4, 2011

Happy Birthday @Jerad_Anderson! @100MonkeysMusic


Today on this most important of days, I wish for you a glass that is always full, a guitar always in hand, a constant buzz from your phone (how is that different from any other day?), and a perma-grin on your face.

Think of all the amazingness that you've accomplished in your thirty years on this planet. You've lived enough for three lifetimes, it would seem.

I am so fortunate to have you as a part of my life and so today I drink for you. (Just coffee now, but you know later I am shooting Jameson in your honor, dude.)

Have a fantastic birthday and make it one for the books, BFF!!!

Tons of love and high-fives today! EAT CAKE!!!

Happy birthday, rockstar! See you soonish.

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