Monday, August 2, 2010

On The Mend

I got back from my week with 100 Monkeys a few days ago and it occurred to me that I still never blogged about Birmingham, Memphis or Dallas... well... those are now lost...

I retract that.


Birmingham: Best 100 Monkeys show I ever saw. It's not a surprise to me that so many of the songs off their new live album were from the Birmingham show. AL was good to me. :)

Memphis: Baaaad. Boys were off. Played a short set. I was drunk. I got called a "Drunk Ass" by my BFF; I retaliated with "Fucker." That was the last 100 Monkeys show I will ever drink at... well, I've been known to break promises like that before, but I definitely will stick to ONE or TWO beers... not drinking all day and then buying PBR on special. Bad idea.

Dallas: I can't even go there. It was awesome. I barely took any photos because I just ENJOYED myself.

Alright... so I went out for a week with the boys again for their West Coast summer tour. I was on the road for 2 weeks, but only with them for one...

Hermosa Beach: Streamed live again... I didn't drink half a bottle of Jack Daniel's before attending this show like I did the last time I saw them at St. Rocke in February. Pretty badass show. Was the first show I shot with my new camera so I was frustrated with the new learning curve and I noticed that I sing less now that I take my DSLR out... so, I think I am taking less photos... but they're better quality... so the ones I do take are pretty awesome... Ben & Jay used my mini tambourine on stage, which rocked. :) I love tambourines. Jay chucked it across the back wall during Wandering Mind, though and I could not stop laughing. Jenn said, "why are you laughing?" She did NOT find it amusing that he threw it... she was pretty pissed at him. Luckily Scott went and fetched it for me. He's a good man.

Arizona: It was fucking HOT. The show was incredible and definitely the LOUDEST and most fangirly that I have ever been to. The boys did a good job though. Loved the photos that I got from this show. Probably my favorite of the week. They did my improv suggestion for, "There's A Camera In My Face". Loved it. My second favorite improv after the one I suggested in Birmingham: "I Hacked Into Your Email".

Vegas: I was with the boys last time they were in Vegas in January... as you probably remember... or you can go look in my archives & read all about that catastrophe. This show was a little awkward, I think. The improv & Wandering Mind sounded INSANE. Scott is seriously a genius. I love that man.

San Diego: This was my 25th 100 Monkeys show... and I did all that in less than a year. This month I will celebrate my 1 year 100 Monkeys anniversary while out at Callahan's. Back to where I started. :) I stayed in the back to talk/meet my friend Ali for the first half of their set. It was amazing to just hang out and enjoy their music & not worry about getting "The Shot" ++ seeing Ali was the highlight of this entire adventure. I love her so much it was great to finally talk to her IN PERSON! For the boys' encore we managed to get up to the 3rd row and I got some pretty great shots, actually. It's insane what you can acquire when you don't try whatsoever.

San Francisco: San Diego was supposed to be the last show... but how can you say no to Monkeys? I dare you to try. We got talked into coming to San Francisco and I am so happy. It was my favorite show of the week and I got some amazing photos. It was great to finally see a show at the Great American Music Hall; their lighting was INTENSE! I loved it. Great shots. Already said that...

The time I spend with the boys gets more and more guarded. I am definitely guarding myself more and becoming more and more protective of the boys. (Had to be a tad overprotective in San Diego... INSANE fan tried to rape their car. I handled it.)

The goodbyes were difficult. They get harder and harder to let go of and I miss them more and more over less time now. This can't be good. :-/

A few pics from the week that I will share.

Hermosa Beach:

 My tambourine. :) 

Video... Orson Brawl... me soaking up high fives from my BFF in the beginning of the intro. :) And here you can see Wandering Mind and Jay chuck my tambourine across the room. AWESOME. 


During my improv suggestion, "There's A Camera In My Face". 

I am most proud of this bow photo.

BFF & I take awesome photos. :) 

Las Vegas: 

San Diego: 

San Francisco: 

BFF and I had matching glow bracelets. :) 

You can check out all my other photos from shows on my Facebook page here

Thanks for taking the time to read this... comments = hugs. 


Jodie Platz 


Bonnie said...

Thanks for updating. It was great to wake up and re-live all of that with you again. Made a Monday morning not feel so "Mondayish".

Love ya!

kimcatus said...

Hey you updated! Yay! So glad you had an awesome time and got great photos....thanks for sharing those and the rock star life with us less-fortunate souls!!! xoxox