Sunday, March 25, 2012

Girl Vs. Corset

Something that I haven't talked about very much in a public forum is my love and adoration for corsets. Waist training is something that I haven't done very long (less than one year), but something that I truly enjoy.

Although, it's not all bunnies and butterflies; I truly dislike how it turns my big boobs into HUGE boobs that I feel come up to my neck... I also dislike how it somehow makes me feel fatter instead of thinner... (I think that has something to do with the fact that my boobs are up to my neck; I can clearly see that my waist is, in fact, smaller... so it's nonsense that I would feel that way.)

Wearing a corset is not for everyone. My best friend won't even consider it. Many people who have never put on a corset think that it must be painful or uncomfortable. It truly isn't and the best way that I've heard it described to me that I can put it is that it feels just like a hug. (It does!)

The only thing that is uncomfortable is lacing it yourself (which gets easier with practice), and constantly sitting up straight when it uses muscles that have been lax for years. (Which, also, gets easier with practice.)

I haven't laced in 2 months. I was on tour for a few weeks (and then I was lazy for a few weeks). I had considered continuing my lacing on tour, which I'm glad that I didn't. The road is definitely not a place for it. Sitting for hours and hours in a corset in a van would have been dreadful.

Today. Laced. Starbucks.

What are your thoughts (or experiences!) on corsets and lacing? :)


fhornrocks said...

Wow, that is a gorgeous corset! I want one myself but can never afford one. Can you recommend a good place to get them?

Unknown said...

I get my corsets from :)